Words: Kate Westbrook
Music: Mike Westbrook
Friday 27th May 8pm
Barnfield Theatre, the Clifford Room
Exeter EX1 1SN
tickets; £10/£5 in advance £12/£6 on the door
box office 01392 271808

Raoul Dufy, La Baie des Anges, Nice, 1932
© 2016 Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York
Company Westbrook
in a special preview performance of
Paintbox Jane –
Raoul Dufy paints a portrait
On the Promenade des Anglais in Nice, Raoul Dufy paints a portrait of Jane. A troupe of singers and instrumentalists celebrate the painter in Waltz, Blues and Repartee until the sun goes down and night envelops the warm, sensual world of Monsieur Dufy.
For further shows, dates and other details, please visit: